Eric Hislop


As a seasoned Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience, I am driven by a passion for innovation and collaboration. Throughout my career, I have consistently delivered tangible results, including successful projects, innovative software solutions, and system improvements. I am a committed and creative individual who actively seeks opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions that contribute to the goals and development process. My passion for technology extends to how it can help businesses achieve their goals, and I firmly believe that an effective team that works together is crucial to this.



Wellington, NZ

Senior Engineer

Feb 2022 - Present

  • Contributed to Productivity Engineering team to reduce cognitive load of engineers and enable faster delivery of value to small business and accounting customers.
  • Upgraded API service frameworks, improving unit testing, reducing bugs, and increasing stability.
  • Implemented trunk-based development practices for streamlined and efficient development processes and improved team communication.
  • Mentored junior developers, sharing best practices and design principles to improve their skills and effectiveness in team projects.
  • Actively involved in maintaining and enhancing our internal developer portal, which catalogs all components at Xero and aids engineer productivity.
  • Helped transition to a SaaS-based developer portal, developed data migration tools, and ensured seamless integration and functionality enhancements.
  • Led Cortex project efforts to integrate services such as GitHub, Kubernetes, Google, Jira, and Slack, significantly enhancing the developer experience.
  • Conducted workshops and training sessions on new tools and practices, enhancing team skills and facilitating transitions to new platforms.
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • AWS
  • Git
  • Postgresql
  • Agile
  • C#

Contact Energy

Wellington, NZ

Senior Full Stack Developer

May 2021 - Feb 2022

  • Worked as a Developer within the Simply Energy(a subsidiary of Contact Energy) Tech team, where I primarily focused on developing a Kotlin web app for data ingestion from partners and normalizing data for customer and internal apps.
  • Assisted in non-developer tasks, such as implementing new opportunities into Salesforce with sales team members, facilitating training using Talespin VR across multiple teams, and finding and testing NPS tools that met Product Owner's requirements.
  • Kotlin
  • Ktor
  • Postgresql
  • Salesforce
  • GCP

Senior Full Stack Developer

Oct 2018 - May 2021

  • Contributed to the Digital team at Contact Energy, focusing on integrations with internal and external services.
  • Assumed additional responsibilities such as collaborating with Architects on technical designs and communicating them to Product Owners, after Tech Lead's departure.
  • Mentored junior developers, providing them with guidance and support to improve their skills and work more effectively.
  • Utilized Serverless framework to build and deploy solutions on AWS, resulting in efficient and scalable architecture.
  • Developed Restful APIs from SAP Odata services for handling account management, payments, consumption, and meter reads.
  • Orchestrated customer journeys by integrating with Electricity/Gas Registry and broadband provider, and automating manual tasks with UiPath.
  • Migrated consumption API from SAP Odata to RDS PostgreSQL database, resulting in a 90% decrease in average response time and significant performance improvements.
  • JavaScript
  • Node
  • Cloudformation
  • Lambda
  • AWS
  • SQS
  • DynamoDB

Impac Services ltd

Wellington, NZ

Full Stack Developer

May 2018 - Jul 2018

  • Contributed to the development of Shield, a new .NET Core and Angular application that aims to provide a modern and competitive health and safety solution to meet current market requirements.
  • Collaborated with business users in New Zealand to gather requirements and ensure that Shield meets their needs.
  • Trained offshore developers on the Shield application so they could continue to contribute to its development.
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • Azure


Wellington, NZ

Full Stack Developer

Apr 2015 - Apr 2018

  • Contributed to the development of a cutting-edge online learning platform at iQualify, which significantly enhanced the learner experience and provided advanced analytics and insights that improved engagement rates.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop core Angular and Express applications that allowed for seamless consumption, creation, and management of online learning content.
  • Leveraged analytics tools to collect data on new features and functionalities, which was used to track user engagement and drive informed decisions on product improvements.
  • Successfully migrated front-end code from Angular 1 to Angular 2, taking into account the impact on development workflow, resulting in improved performance and better scalability.
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • Angular
  • Azure


Palmerston North, NZ

Software Developer

Oct 2014 - Mar 2015

  • Completed an internship at Farmers’ Mutual Group and was subsequently hired as a full-time employee in the Business Information Services department.
  • Contributed to various IT projects, including managing internal marketing sites, creating SharePoint workflows for staff onboarding, setting up a SharePoint 2013 environment in Azure, and upgrading a complaint events handler solution to SharePoint 2013.
  • Gained valuable experience in how a large organization manages IT operations.
  • Javascript
  • Sharepoint
  • Azure


Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology

Te Pūkenga

2011 - 2014

Specialised in software engineering
photo of me


    • Programming
    • Javascript
    • Typescript
    • Kotlin
    • SQL
    • Bash
    • Node
    • Hugo
    • Backstage
    • Strapi
    • React
      Developer Tools
    • Git
    • Docker
    • TeamCity
    • AWS
    • CloudFormation
    • Swagger
    • Test Driven Development
    • Trunk Based Development
    • Continuous Delivery
    • Agile development
    • Pair programming
    • Prompt Engineer 🤖


  • Bargain hunting
  • Blogging
  • Gaming
  • DIY
  • Family time
  • MTG